Cheat Codes

Credits: CodeShark, Thunder2, Aquase,, Code Master, B A Torr, FF-Fanatic, Ingacio De Lucas, Ramsus85,, HAcKen, & Darth Vader
(1802 Cheats)
(29866 Hits)
Gear Digits
Quantity Digits to Accompany Gear Slot Modifier Codes
00 - Weltall (Fei's first Gear)
01 - Weltal-2 (Fei's second Gear)
02 - Vierge (Elly's Gear)
03 - Heimdal (Citan's Gear)
04 - Brigander (Bart's Gear)
05 - Renmazuo (Billy's Gear)
06 - Stier (Rico's Gear)
07 - Chu-Chu (Chu-Chu Grown to Gear Size)
08 - Siebzen (Maria's Gear)
09 - Crescens (Emerelda's Gear)
0A - El Regrs (Elly's Omnigear) [Note 1]
0B - Fenrir (Citan's Omnigear)
0C - Andvali (Bart's Omnigear)
0D - Renmazuo (Billy's Omnigear)
0E - Stier (Rico's Omnigear)
0F - Xenogears (Fei's Omnigear)
10 - Heimdal (The Original Heimdal-Has Ability to Carry a Sword)
11 - Bart Soldier (Ally Gears) [Note 1]
12 - Yggdrasil IV (Bart's Ultimate Gear) [Note 1]
Note 1:
With this digit, it was never designed for use out of a specific battle, so the game will freeze if you change rooms when a character has one of these gears (trying to load the map-screen sprites for the gears, and being unable to load it). Of course, you can use them in battles, just as long as you creatively use Joker codes to change gears while playing.